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Welsh football fans.
Copyright: Phil Williams. - Yerevan 2001. Copyright: Phil Williams. - Yerevan 2001.
TONTO ,TINY and TIM ,"who said the average temp was 75 degrees f for this time of year in Armenia?" Yerevan,ARMENIA 2001
Copyright: Phil Williams. - Yerevan 2001. Copyright: Phil Williams. - Yerevan 2001.
Tyttie and Andy teaching the younger generation how to drink.Especially the BOILED TROUT cocktail.Say no more tyttie. TINY "DO THE AYOTOLA"
Copyright: Phil Williams. - Yerevan 2001. Copyright: Phil Williams. - Yerevan 2001.
Cardiff City and Twthill Vaults Caernarfon.Oh and Hughey. Marco Polo Pub."Every woman every man leaving Yerevan tonight Stand up,Stand up"

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