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updated 06-04-2001

1. Information
Name: Ade Colley
Where do you live: Brighton
Teams you support: Cardiff/Luton
2. Welsh matches
First ever Wales game: v Scotland 1979
Best home game: v Germany 1991
Best away game: v Holland 1988
3. Players
Favourite all time player: Peter Nicholas
Favourite current player: John Robinson
Worst ever player: Vinnie Jones
Favourite current non-welsh player: Djalminha
4. Grounds
Best away ground: Nuremburg
Worst away ground: Luxembourg
5. Travel
Best beer: Koytak, Armenia
Worst beer: -
Best hospitality: Armenia
Worst hospitality: Bulgaria 1995
Best chant: Gwyr Harlech, Bologna
Best hotel Chaves 2000
Worst hotel: Sofia 1995

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